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Data synchronization can be said that the activity is often performed on an application, both among the applications or any hardware. Building a reliable synchronization application is not easy, therefore microsoft synchronization platform that can be implemented with a variety of scenarios.

What does the Microsoft Sync Framework?
Microsoft sync framework is a synchronization platform that allows for collaboration and offline access capabilities to an application, service and hardware. This technology has the characteristics that can make roaming, sharing and communicating with the data offline. By using microsoft sync framework, programmers can create sync ecosystems that can be integrated with any application with the data on the network protocol.

When to use the Microsoft sync framework?
Key Features Microsoft sync framework is the ability to customize the synchronization providers. This provider is a software component that represents a replica to synchronize.
In fact, did we ever make their own synchronization mechanism of the socket and take advantage of database capabilities, but in this case Microsoft has provided a platform that is designed to create a synchronization-based applications.
Some providers are already provided for the synchronization by microsoft sync framework, among others:
* Sync services for ADO.NET. Synchronization for ADO.NET data-based applications
* Sync services for file system
* Sync services for feedsync. For RSS and Atom feeds
If the above synchronization provider is still insufficient, then we can create a custom provider for synchronization.

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