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"Intel is really making a tremendous sensation in terms of technology. Recently we enjoyed intel core i7 processor, this time they launched again I5-core Intel processor."
Having marketed the latest processor intel core i7. This apparently satisfied the company was not made for intel. soon take place, this time they introduced the latest processor intel core I5, which will be followed by intel core i9. It is an extraordinary leap of intelligence. And it is not wrong if their slogan is "leap head" because it is right there.
I5 processor but because this is still very new and not yet marketed in general, only samples for media products are already available. Thus information about this I5 own core also has not fully detailed.
I5-core Intel will use codenames lynfield, arrandale or clarkdale. indeed, if viewed from the road map given schedule by Intel, processors that use codenames will be launched officially in September of this 2009.Processor with codenames will be using Intel's Nehalem microarchitecture and Intel westmere.
Lynfield own coded microprocessor will be integrated with DDR3 memory controller, integrated with PCI express grafihic controller and direct media interface controller that will communicate with the Intel P55 chipset which memilikifitur turbo boost in it. I5 Intel core due to be launched in conjunction with Intel chipset series I5.

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