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First announced on 27 May 2009 in goole I / O conference, Google introduced a wave-based web services for mengkolaborasi and communicate, and services designed to combine email, instant messaging, wikis, and social networking.
Google wave built by brothers Rasmussen (Lars and Jens), who is also the brain behind the making of google maps. Google Wane itself is expected to be available in 2009 this year, but even before the product is officially released, a discussion of the google wave warm enough. Not only because the big names of Google and its engineers who make this interesting, but because the ideas and technology, and revolutionary. Imagine, imagine how we terbiasanya routine communication via email, social networking services like facebook, or chat via instant messaging? all activities at this time we do separately, but the google wave ambitious combine all these functions in a web-based services rely on a browser.

1 comment:

James Tuck said...

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