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DVD has many advantages compared to the format previous generation Company Formation">video format. One obvious feature is the quality of the film itself. Film DVD format has a resolution much better compared to VCD or laser disc.
Second, most have original DVD features the film rating that can be used to control the type of movie that you can play the DVD player. Parental control feature is very important especially if you putrid son often uses computers to watch DVDs. With the right settings, you can block that movie film is rated for 17 years and over. Here's how to set up its settings:
1. Click Start> All programs> windows media player.
2. At a media player program, select menu tools
3. Then click the options on the menu
4. Turn on the DVD tab is in options window
5. Click the change ... which is located in the brain DVD playback restrictions.
6. In the new window that appears, select the type of movie ratings to the block.
7. To block rated movies 17 years and over, select the option NC - 17
8. Save changes by clicking OK and Ok again.
9. Now you can try it, whether the film is successful in block or not.
10. With the right settings, windows media player can choose a proper media is playing

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